Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy is the joint venture of two of the leading experts in enneagrams – a means of modelling human psyche via personality types. The academy is the first step in building a full-fledged training center for those interested in learning about enneagrams for personal or professional development.

Waqa Studios was approached to lay the groundwork for the academy with a website to provide access to upcoming workshops, and other events, allowing students to register and pay for the events online before they attend in London, San Francisco or Sao Paulo.

Flexibility was built in allowing any kind of event as part of a program or stand-alone to be added.
Complexity Made Simple.
The academy runs two streams/programs, one for personal development and one for professional development. Different events (which might be workshops, retreats or talks) may form part of each program, have prerequisites or take place in different cities. We created an organizational structure that make events easy to create, list and assign to programs. With a great amount of flexibility built in, events can be connected to any 3rd party booking or payment platform, list the cities (or any location type) where the event takes place and allows people to purchase individual events or the whole program at once.

We developed branding for the academy based on the recognizable enneagram figure. Soft blues and greens complement the academic nature of the business.

When applied to the website, the branding is clean and modern, making otherwise complex information easy to take in.
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